Course Syllabus

Logo-MrLovells.pngMathematics 8

Welcome!  On this website, you will find resources for your course.

Land Acknowledgement

I would like to begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather for math class is the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xwməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam) People.

Learning Principles & Textbook


Big Ideas


Great Quotes

"There are so many ways to find the answer." - Eli B, 2021

"This is so hard." - Noah C, 2021


Goals for the Year

  • Develop Strong Classroom Learning Habits, such as:
    • Arrive to class with supplies (paper, calculator, pencil, binder, last class' note, prep)
    • Raise your questions when teacher asks for suggestions of problems to go over from prep
    • Keep your conversations in class related to mathematics 
  • Prep Learning Habits, such as:
    • Study in a space with minimum distractions
    • Schedule math prep into your routine each evening 
    • Write the title, date, assigned questions on your page
    • Show your steps/calculations, not only the final answer
    • Check your answers in back of textbook and mark your work
  • Shift Focus From Answer to Process:
    • Practising to write a well communicated solution to math problems, instead of simply arriving at a final answer in your head
  • Shift Focus From Fixed to Growth Mindset:
    • Valuing hard problems where you feel stumped, recognizing this is good and develop stamina to keep trying and reach 'aha' moment
    • Realize easy problems that you get right quickly are not making you smarter
    • Appreciate mistakes - integral and necessary aspect of learning mathematics
  • Initiating Communication
    • with teacher around absences and issues
    • keep parent in the loop about math class including assessment results

Learning vs Marks

  • Remember that not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts
  • Evidence of your learning will be based primarily on results from written in-class assessments.  Generally, a test will take place at the end of a unit, and there will be one or two quizzes during the unit.  Some units many have assignments. 
  • Homework is generally not included in the marks - however, it is checked periodically and all students are expected to complete all homework assignments or communicate with the teacher and their parents if they are having trouble doing so. 
  • As a teacher, I am less concerned about your mark and more concerned about your effort.  Put in a good effort, learn how to study effectively, and develop the habits listed in the section above. 


Over the course of the school year, students will have multiple opportunities to provide evidence of their proficiency in the learning outcomes of the course that span content and competencies.  Feedback is provided through assessment for each student to capture the current level of proficiency and direct future learning.  The Canvas Learning Mastery Gradebook captures a student's current proficiency level among each outcome.  The full context requires the assessment itself (often on paper) with the provided feedback to understand why a student is currently placed at a particular achievement level.  Students are encouraged to adapt a growth mindset and use feedback from assessment to understand what they know and what they don't know yet.  As their proficiency improves, students should seek opportunities to demonstrate evidence of their learning.  The goal is for each student to reach proficiency on all outcomes by the end of the course. 

At reporting periods, the teacher will consider the body of evidence collected for outcomes for a particular student and triangulate the data to assign an achievement mark which will form the student's standing in the course.  This rolled up "mark" contains substantially less information than the de-constructed achievement across outcomes which highlights areas of student strength and future growth opportunities.

To view a summary of your proficiency achievement on the outcomes in the course, click on Grades and then click the Learning Mastery tab

Puzzle and Enrichment Websites

1024  kenken This video won $250,000 Addition Blocks
Penguin Jump Multiplication Math Planet (phone game) wodb (Which One Doesn't Belong) TEDEd Math
Vi Hart Numberphile Hour of Code - Encryption Math Antics
Prodigy Alcumus from AoPS Centre of Game Science Treefrog (fraction game)


Incomplete Homework E-mail Sample




The course implements the BC Math 8 Curriculum.  Here is the Math 8 Course Outline.

First Peoples Principles of Learning

The First Peoples Principles of Learning greatly influence the B.C. curriculum and are woven throughout. They lend themselves well to mathematical learning, as they promote experiential and reflexive learning, as well as self-advocacy and personal responsibility in students. They help create classroom experiences based on the concepts of community, shared learning, and trust, all of which are vital to learning. (source)