Course Syllabus

Ceramics 10 is a full year elective.

The course will cover hand building/ sculpture and throwing on the electric wheel. Students will refine and consolidate their hand building/ sculpture skills with projects intended to be both challenging and skill building. They will be encouraged to creatively problem solve. They will be using in depth research into historical ceramics to inform and contextualize their own work. 

The throwing half year of the course will revise and reinforce existing skills and will introduce more complex functional forms such as teapots and lidded forms. Students will be encourage to begin to explore their own interests.

Each class will begin with varied short drawing assignments which will emphasize the value of drawing for research and planning. Use of sketchbooks as workbooks of creative process will be stressed.

Students will be given a thorough introduction to glazes and and glazing techniques.A variety of methods of application will be explored.Students will be encouraged to keep conscientious records of of all glazes used and they will be required to document and reflect on their results.

The vocabulary of meaningful critique will be introduced and expanded. 

Students will be expected to learn to clean up effectively and to participate in the studio community.

Ceramics 10 currriculum document 2016.docx



Course Summary:

Date Details Due